During the last summer, Portugal was shaken by a wave of wildfires that devastated a large part of our country's heritage: forests, personal property as well as the livelihood of many families, destroyed in minutes the job of a lifetime.
In 2011 were recorded 73,813 * hectares of burned area, subdivided between settlements and woods. According to press reports, 2013 will be a year even worse. This year, the Caramulo mountain, was one of the regions most affected by the fires. Despite the great efforts of the teams of firefighters, days and days of intense fire destroyed part of the Sierra, public and private goods.
Among the local losses, there is a family who saw the destruction of part of his personal sustenance: the animals that created and the place where they were kept
In a gesture of sheer solidarity, Jose Margarido, one of the technicians responsible for maintenance at Fastfer, decided to "get to work".
Through the VDR project, Jose and a Group of friends and colleagues, restored, so meritorious, the corral destroyed, giving the body to a
very noble cause that certainly will help the family overcome some difficulties.
At Fastfer, we recognize and congratulate VDR and all people involved in this very special gesture which also featured our support. Congratulations!! We invite you to view this video report of of the work:

* Source:

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